As part of the BW@TUM project, a data warehouse was established in 2010 for the TUM reporting division.
The corporate design project involved the development and implementation of a comprehensive, convincing TUM corporate design.
With the introduction of a document management system in 2011, TUM gradually shifted from a paper to digital student record system.
As part of the elecTUM project, which ran from 2005 to 2009, TUM implemented a comprehensive and integrated centralized e-learning platform.
Numerous decentralized e-mail domains and servers were migrated to the central TUM-LRZ Exchange server from 2010 to 2014.
The HIS@TUM project, which ran from 2005 to 2007, oversaw the introduction of a common university exam management system.
The IntegraTUM project, which ran from 2004 to 2009, was launched with the goal of creating a seamless, user-friendly information and communication infrastructure for TUM.
Since 2012 select university rooms were equipped with touch screens installed adjacent to the doors that students can use to manage the rooms and communicate with other room users.
As part of the IntengraTUM sub-project mediaTUM, the university developed and implemented a central document and publication server in 2005 for publishing digital documents.
In 2012, the Corporate Communications Center (CCC) and the ITSZ jointly redesigned the TUM Internet presence.
A commercially oriented accounting system was introduced in 2002 on the basis of the SAP R/3 platform.
In 2013 the ITSZ developed with the Leibniz Computer Center a new service called TUM PC that allows the central installation and administration of Windows PCs.