Members of the TUM Information Management Board

The TUM Information Management Board is composed of the CIO as well as the Vice Deans Information Technology of all Schools. The board is responsible for steering all IT projects at TUM.

Senior Vice President for Digitalization and IT Systems

Chief Information Officer (CIO)

Picture of Alexander Braun

Dr.-Ing. Alexander Braun

    Vice Deans Information Officer (VIOs) of the TUM Schools

    Vice Deans Information Management (VIOs)

    Computation, Information and Technology(CIT)
    no image

    Dr. rer. nat. Anton Frank

    Engineering and Design (ED)
    Picture of Michael Otto

    Dr.-Ing. Michael Otto

    Natural Science (NAT)
    Picture of Josef Homolka

    Dr. rer. nat. Josef Homolka

    Life Sciences (LS)
    Picture of Markus List

    Prof. Ph.D. Markus List

    Medicine and Health (MH)
    Picture of Daniel Rückert

    Univ.-Prof. Dr. Daniel Rückert

    Management (MGT)
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    Privacy information: The user has configured his profile in TUMonline as hidden for anonymous visitors!
    Social Sciences and Technology (SOT)
    Picture of Gjergji Kasneci

    Prof. Prof. Dr. Dr.-Ing. Gjergji Kasneci

    TUM Campus Straubing für Biotechnologie und Nachhaltigkeit (CS)
    Foto von Dominik Grimm

    Prof. Dr. Dominik Grimm