If possible, please contact us by e-mail. We are currently working from home and cannot take your call. If you are not able to send us an e-mail, please leave a message on our answering machine and we will call you back as soon as possible.
Thank you.
You have a problem or a question related to TUM IT? Our IT-Support is your first point of contact:
- E-Mail: it-support(at)
- Telephone: 0049.89.289.17123
- Here's how you can reach us
Please use also the internal search or the FAQ (frequently asked questions).
Documentation & manuals

Image: Kohler, Andreas / TUM
Here you can find IT user guides, documentations, manuals, etc. Go to documents
Training & video tutorials

Image: shutterstock
We offer introductions, training and webinars for our IT services, also available as videos. Go to trainings
Reporting IT security-relevant incidents
All IT security-relevant incidents and vulnerabilities should be reported. Reportable incidents include e.g. loss of electronic devices containing sensitive data, hacker attacks as well as propagation of malware through IT systems operated by TUM. Go to the centralized IT security reporting system
Campus Agreements
TUM enjoys access to a range of attractive campus agreements for purchasing IT products and services. Campus agreements
Guidelines & Service Agreements
We have assembled a selection of IT-related guidelines and service agreements. Go to documents