Current News

Centralized IT system service interruption notification

Our interruption notification informs you which systems and services of TUM are unavailable and when, as well as the reason for the service interruption.

You can integrate the system as a calendar, be notified by e-mail and also enter messages yourself.

Go to interruption notification

Current service interruption notifications

30. July 2024, 07:00 – 08:30 h
TUMonline: Wartung (Ausfall) / Maintenance (Interruption)

wir möchten Sie darauf hinweisen, dass wichtige Wartungsarbeiten an TUMonline stattfinden: Dienstag, 30.07.2024 ab 07:00 Uhr bis voraussichtlich 08:30 Uhr In dieser Zeit steht das System nicht zur Verfügung. Sie können daher auch die Suche nach Personen, Räumen, Lehrveranstaltungen etc., sowie die Validierungsstationen NICHT nutzen. Drittsysteme, die Daten von TUMonline abrufen, können ebenfalls von der Downtime betroffen oder beeinflusst sein. In diesem Wartungsfenster wird TUMonline aktualisiert, wie gewohnt mit Fehlerbehebungen und Sicherheitsupdates. Nach größeren Aktualisierungen kann es sinnvoll sein, den Browser-Cache zu leeren. Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis.

Updated: 2024-07-26 08:12 CET

TUM IT-Newsletter

Are you responsible for IT services? Are you an IT administrator? Are you generally interested in IT topics at the TUM? Register for the IT newsletter and stay informed.

The IT newsletter is designed to keep you abreast of the latest developments in the field of IT, current IT events, as well as outages and problems impacting the TUM IT system and services. The IT newsletter is published in German and English at irregular intervals and is updated daily as required.


Our goal is to improve the flow of IT information at the TUM. For this reason, we have a vested interest in the TUM-wide dissemination of IT news from every location and facility within the university. If you want to include IT topics and news from your area in our newsletter, please contact IT Support (

More IT-related information disseminated to university employees can be found in the TUM newsletter for employees (login with TUM ID and password, available only in German).