Social networks

StudiVZ, Xing, Facebook ... it's very likely that you have a profile on one or more of these social networks, which you use to stay in touch with friends and acquaintances. These profiles can contain a wealth of personal information, however, such as when and where you were born, hobbies, family relationships and career history. You should be aware of the potential risks when you use these networks.

Prudent use of social networks

  • Keep in mind that certain settings allow all users, including fellow students and teachers, to see your images and personal information. The Internet does not forget!
  • Share as little information as possible. People don't need to know everything about you, such as your appointments, family members, your studies or where you live.
  • Familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions and data privacy stipulations of the social network where you have a profile. Take advantage of the opportunities the network offers for protecting your private sphere.
  • Be choosy when it comes to contact requests. Criminals like to "amass" friends in order to harm others.
  • Use separate and secure passwords for each social network when possible (-> tips for secure passwords)
  • Don't haphazardly click on links. Social networks are increasingly used as phishing platforms (-> additional information about phishing).
  • Thoroughly scrutinize the rights you grant to the operator of the network for the images, text and information that you post on the site. Many companies are willing to pay for your data in order to send out targeted advertisements.
  • If you receive a dubious request from an acquaintance, inquire about the trustworthiness of the message outside of the social network. Identity theft is an inherent risk of the digital age. A stranger could use your hacked account to assume your identity, deceive your friends and ask for financial assistance, for example. 
  • Additional tips are available on the BSI (German Federal Office for Information Security) website: (BSI für Bürger): BSI für Bürger > Wie bewege ich mich sicher im Netz > soziale Netzwerke

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