
Moving Target Digitalisation 2022- Digital Credentials and Trust Networks

Moving Target Digitalisation 2022: Increasing the Impact of Internationalisation in Higher Education

Dear Digital Credentials Community,

For the second day in a row, we would like to share some news with you, this time on our own behalf. The Call for Participation of our joint conference "Moving Target Digitalisation 2022" is now open for contributions. This year’s Conference has a dedicated Digital Credentials and Trust Networks track organised by DiBiHo. We would be pleased if you would contribute to the conference programme and spread the call.

From November 30th to December 2nd, 2022, the #movingtarget2022 conference will take place in Berlin and online, focusing on the
impact of digitalisation and new technologies on the internationalisation of higher education.

The Call for Participation is now open! You can submit your contribution until August 7th, 2022.

You can find the CfP and the web form here: Call for Participation

Digitalisation is fundamentally changing international higher education. Collaboration across borders and new forms of mobility offer a
multitude of potentials in a globally networked world.
The DAAD conference "Moving Target Digitalisation" will address key issues in this context. With its focus on the latest developments in the internationalisation of higher education, it offers space for policy dialogue and facilitates exchange with expert communities in order to examine neighbouring initiatives and projects at home and abroad and discuss international cooperation and integration

The thematic-modular concept of the conference is oriented along the entire "student journey" and takes up the discussion on the
effects of digitalisation on the internationalisation of higher education and on academic exchange in four thematic tracks:

  • Linking Digital Education Services – organised by BIRD and Digital Campus
  • Virtual Exchange and Blended Mobility - organised by  the Community Team of Digital Programmes (IMKDIP DigitalIVAC)
  • European Strategies for Digital Education - organised by OpenU
  • Digital Credentials and Trust Networks - organised by  DiBiHo

We are looking forward to (re-)thinking global exchange together with you!

Further information

Call for ParticipationWebsite: Moving Target Digitalisation 2022 - DAAD  – Contact: