IT Services for Employees

Here we present the most important IT services for employees.

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Training & Documentation

TUM Account & TUMCard

TUM Account

All students, employees and guests of TUM receive a central computer ID called TUM account. It consists of the TUM ID (e.g. gu27cat) and a personal password.

Guest Account

Alle guests of TUM (e.g. guest lecturers, guest scientists, ...) receive a guest account in TUMonline for the use of the central IT services.

TUMCard (= StudentCard / PersonalCard / GuestCard)

Employees and students (and guests on demand) get a multifunctional chipcard as TUM identification card.


E-Mail - General Information

All students, employees and guests automatically get a personal TUM e-mail address. You can use this address as lifelong forwarding address.

TUM E-Mail Address

You can create your own TUM e-mail address (e.g. in TUMonline.


E-mail, calendars, shared mailboxes and more: all information about Exchange.


Webmail allows you to access your Exchange e-mails worldwide and at any time via the internet.


How to create automatic mailinglists.

Shared Mailboxes and Calendars

Creating group calendars and shared mailboxes with the TUMonline functional objects.

E-mail Certificates

Employees of TUM can apply and register for digital certificates via the Deutsches Forschungsnetz (DFN) to increase the level of security in e-mail communication.

Data Storage

Online Storage (NAS)

The Leibniz Rechenzentrum (LRZ) provides a secure, highly available data storage (= NAS). Every TUM member gets a personal storage space. Institutions can order a project storage.


The LRZ Sync+Share service allows you to securely save your data, synchronize it across multiple devices (desktop, laptop, tablet, smartphone) and also share and exchange it with others around the world.

Backup and Archiving with IBM Spectrum Protect (formerly TSM)

TUM employees can use the IBM Spectrum Protect (ISP, formerly TSM) of LRZ for archiving and backup of data, servers and workplaces in the Munich Scientific Network (MWN).

Data Science Storage (DSS)

For data intensive science projects, the Data Science Storage (DSS) of the Leibniz Computing Center is available. It can be accessed with various high performance systems.



Wireless access to the internet via eduroam or LRZ WiFi (VPN-Client required).

Internet Services of the LRZ

General information of the Leibniz-Rechenzentrum (LRZ) on MWN internet services.

Service Agreement for the Internet Use (in German)

For employees: the service agreement contents guidelines for using the internet.



Here you can find information and manuals for TUMonline, the campus management system of TUM.


Central Learning Platform Moodle

The learning Management System of the TUM: Online learning easy, fast and everywhere.

Software & Hardware

Software Download

Microsoft, MathWorks, anti-virus protection & more: TUM provides numerous free and low-cost software products for its students and employees. Go to software

Campus Agreements & Software Licenses

Leibniz-Rechenzentrum (LRZ) has campus agreements and software licenses in place with numerous manufacturers, which in most cases allow the TUM employees to get products at no cost or at extremely reasonable cost. Go to campus agreements

Coordination of Large Equipment, CIP and WAP Funding Requests

The IT Operations (ITO) of the TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology is responsible for coordinating and managing the budget for the funding programs run by the German Research Association (DFG), which is engaged in funding scientific instruments and equipment, among them the CIP/WAP funding requests. Further information

Electronic Device Disposal: Secure Hard Disk Destruction

TUM offers the destruction of storage media such as hard drives, magnetic tape, memory cards, USB sticks and DVDs at no charge. Further information


Managed Windows Computer (TUM PC)

The IT Service Center, in conjunction with the LRZ, provides a system for administering managed Windows PCs. Organisations can define various PC types and software packages, such as admin or laboratory PCs, which are integrated in the active directory. The software is automatically installed, administered and updated through SCCM.

Managed Apple Computer (MWN-MAC)

The LRZ provides a system for administering managed Apple computers under OSX in the Munich Scientifc Network (MWN). With these tools you can reduce the administration of the life cycle management for your chair MACs to a minimum.


The Teamviewer program allows the system administrator to access a computer for remote service.


Electronic Library Services

Online catalogs, ejournals, reference management and more: services of the TUM library.

Communication & Collaboration


Via GigaMove all members of TUM have a tool for the secure exchange of web-based files as large as 2 gigabytes with external partners.


GitLab is a distributed version management software. It can be used as a tool for collaborative software management as well as a version control system for your thesis.


For work group collaboration, LRZ offers the use of a team site on its Microsoft Office SharePoint server (MOSS).


The LRZ Sync+Share service allows you to securely save your data, synchronize it across multiple devices (desktop, laptop, tablet, smartphone) and also share and exchange it with others around the world.

Scheduler Foodle

TUM members can use the Foodle scheduler of the German Scientific Network (DFN) for fast and easy coordination of events.

Web/Video Conferences with Meet

All TUM members can use the LRZ web conferencing system Meet in fast and easy way via a web browser.


Collecting and sharing knowledge: For a fast and uncomplicated collaboration in small work groups all TUM members can use the wiki system free of charge.

Media & Design

Corporate Design

All TUM institutions have access to the visual content design service for online and offline media. We also provide corporate design templates for students.

Graphic Design

Broschures, posters, flyers and more: ProLehre Media and Didactics supports your project.


Tips and tools round about eLearning offers ProLehre Media and Didactics.

Lecture Recording

Mediasite allows instructors to record their own lectures and make the material available to students with minimum effort.

Video Production

All institutions at TUM have access to a central service for producing videos that are used in the classroom, for presenting research projects and results and for profiling your own facility.


TUM offers online courses that are free of charge and accessible around the world: MOOCs – Massive Open Online Courses. For high-quality video production recording, the Media Center operates a professionally-equipped studio.

Multimedia Laboratory

A0 scanning, film scanning, video recording workplaces and more: For special multimedia services you can use the workplaces at LRZ.

Streaming Server

Via the LRZ Streaming Server you can provide videos, live streams and other multimedia content.

Surveys via EvaSys

Use EvaSys for your survey.

Mobile Apps

TUM Campus App

Mensa menus, lecture dates, news, ...: Stay up to date with the TUM Campus App.

Eduroam App

The eduroam app provides a quick overview of where the next access to the eduroam-WLAN is located.

Mensa App

Quickly find out what's in the mensa today with the Mensa app.

TUM interactive App

Entertaining animations, simulations and games from all 14 departments of TUM make research tangible.

Developing apps

The App Wiki should be a platform for developers of apps in the TUM environment. Here you will also find an overview of current app projects.

Website Management

Websites and Websystems

Information about the websites and websystems of TUM.

Arranging a website

Here you can learn how to arrange a a website for your organization.

Online editing and social media

The Corporate Communications Center offers tips and tricks that will help you design attractive, easy-to-understand web sites.

Online forms

Employees can create an online form by using the central Confluence Wiki system.

Web Design

The TUM Web Styleguide presents guidelines for designing online systems.

Event Management

Event management with Converia

The conference management system Converia assists you in planning and conducting scientific conferences, meetings and other events.

Online registration with the MyTUM Event-Manager

The MyTUM Event-Manager offers you the possibility to perform more complex online registrations for an event. Thus, e.g. waiting lists, mass applications and other special conditions can be installed.

Onlineforms via the Wiki system

The Wiki system of TUM offers online forms for event registration.

WLAN for events

TUM-internal event participants usually can use the eduroam WLAN, while external participants can use the free BayernWLAN.

Web/Video Conferences with Meet

All TUM members can use the LRZ web conferencing system Meet in fast and easy way via a web browser.


Accounting via SAP

Accounting and registration of semester and performance data via SAP R/3.

Reporting and Statistics via SAP

Reporting and Statistics via the Data Warehouse SAP BW.

Central Administration

IT Equipment

Information concerning computer equipment, moving to a new working place and employee turnover in the central administration.

Issue of Equipment

Equipment für administration staff, e.g. printing toner, blank CDs, labels etc.

Bayerisches Behördennetz (Bybn) (PDF, 33 KB)

Employees of central administration can apply for a personal certificate for the Bayerisches Behördennetz (Bybn).

Mobile Phone Services

Information concerning Vodafone mobile phone services and how to get a work mobile.